How Porcelain Veneers Can Restore Teeth Damaged By Soda Addiction

Dentist Blog

Nearly everyone knows that if something tastes good, it's probably bad for you, and soda is no exception. Unfortunately, soda isn't just bad for your waistline. Most sodas are loaded with sugar and caffeine, and can therefore become very addictive. Habitually drinking large quantities of soda can take its toll on your body over time, and is especially bad for your teeth. How Can Soda Addiction Damage Your Teeth? Most know that foods and drinks with high sugar content are bad for our teeth, and most popular soda brands contain enormous amounts of sugar.

17 August 2023

How Are Dental Implants Going To Impact Your Life?

Dentist Blog

Tooth implants, also known as dental implants, can change your life in big ways. If you want to have great results in your dental implants, you want to know how they are going to impact you. Otherwise, you just may be better off with dentures or your natural teeth.  Dental implants are a great way to improve your smile in a big way. They can not only make your smile healthier and more impressive but they can also benefit you in other ways as well.

31 May 2023

Dental Implant For A Molar: What's That Hole In Your New Prosthetic Tooth?

Dentist Blog

Now that your dental implant procedure is being planned, you might have started to do your own research. When it comes to dental implants for rear molars, you might be confused if you've looked at any pictures of the prosthetic tooth that will ultimately be attached to your implant. Why does it look like the tooth has a large hole in its center?   Different Functions  Different teeth in your mouth have different functions when it comes to gripping, tearing, chewing, or grinding food.

31 May 2023

Eyes Wide Open, Jaw Wired Shut: Watching Your Dental Hygiene During Jaw Wiring

Dentist Blog

It's unlikely that a dentist would have to wire a patient's jaw shut. This is typically done by a doctor, and only in certain circumstances, such as after a serious accident. The wiring immobilizes the jaw, preventing movement. This allows the jaw to heal when fractured or otherwise damaged. While your jaw is wired shut, you'll be restricted to a liquid diet. But since you can't open your mouth, how are you supposed to keep your teeth clean?

18 April 2023

Radical Problem, Radical Solution: What A Dentist Can Do For A Toothless Patient

Dentist Blog

If full arch dental implants sound like a drastic treatment option, that's because they are. Radical problems call for radical solutions, and full arch implants are a solution to perhaps the most extreme dental problem there is, namely total toothlessness. Even though the problem is drastic, full arch dental implants offer a solution that's more straightforward than expected.  When Full Arch Implants Are Recommended Replacing all the teeth in a patient's mouth with full arch dental implants is a suitable treatment option in several circumstances:

17 March 2023

Reclaim Your Oral Health: Exploring The Wonders Of Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

A healthy and strong smile is essential to our overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, due to age, disease, or injury, many of us are left with damaged teeth that can affect our ability to eat properly and speak clearly. Fortunately, thanks to the wonders of dental implants, we can reclaim our oral health and restore our smiles. Improved Bite When a tooth is missing, it can affect how your teeth come together when you bite down, leading to problems with chewing and speaking and causing uneven wear on your remaining teeth.

4 January 2023

A Few Things To Know About Dental Bridges

Dentist Blog

If you have a missing tooth, your dentist might recommend a bridge to fill the gap in your smile. A bridge requires a healthy tooth on each end. There can be one or more artificial teeth between the crowns on the healthy teeth depending on how many teeth you've lost and what your dentist thinks is appropriate. Here are things to know about dental bridges. How Bridges Are Used In Dentistry

4 January 2023